I’m pleased to say that my book Tales of Lovecraftian Cats is now available on the Kindle [ Amazon U.S. Kindle store | Amazon U.K. store ].

Four Horror Stories Of Cats, radically reworked and rewritten in the style and mythos of H.P. Lovecraft.


* “Beware the Cat”. Being the first ever English novel (1584). A gothic horror story of talking cats, freely adapted and modernised in a new Lovecraftian translation.

* “How the Grimmalkin Came”. A new sequel to both “Beware the Cat” and Lovecraft’s “Through the Gates of the Silver Key”.

* “The Sending”. A new prequel to Lovecraft’s “The Horror at Red Hook”.

* “The Case of the Savage Cat”. A new prequel to Lovecraft’s “The Horror at Red Hook”.