The prestigious and beautifully-produced book series Library of America series is shortly to issue a slip-cased edition of Lynd Ward, Lynd Ward: Six Novels in Woodcuts. Similar to and inspired by the wordless woodcut novels of Frans Masereel, and with a similar anarchist and autobiographical sensibility, but with a more refined style and a more gothic approach in some works. Among others he illustrated Algernon Blackwood’s “The Wendigo” (below) and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Many of his works seem to chime rather well with the Lovecraftian sensibility. One could even imagine that a way could be found to pair selected Ward woodcuts (of which there are a great many to choose from) with selected Lovecraft stories, so as to bring the two into an interesting posthumous collaboration.

At least one of his novels, Gods’ Man : A Novel in Woodcuts is in the public domain, although it appears that the estate of Lynd Ward still makes claims (possibly spurious, since its copyright was not renewed) upon it.