WHAV local radio, Haverhill, reports last month’s filming of…

“a new documentary, Strange Magick, filmed partly in Haverhill and with a significant focus on the city in the 1920s […] Haverhill native and WHAV writer Dave Goudsward helps investigate the connection between Howard Philips Lovecraft and infamous occultist Aleister Crowley”

Goudsward is also an executive producer of this…

documentary [that] explores a possible conspiracy between them [Lovecraft and Crowley] produced by their mutual acquaintance with fellow amateur author Myrta Alice Little.

It seems to be taken for granted that the occult loon Crowley was there as a spy or somesuch, and that they knew each other, since there are… “re-enactments of pivotal moments in Lovecraft, Crowley’s and Little’s acquaintanceship” and apparently the makers even rope old ‘Tryout’ Smith(!) into the conspiracy, all in an effort to highlight… “Crowley’s actions in the United States” for British intelligence. Alleged actions, I should add.

All very implausible from a scholarly perspective. But I guess it might actually be a ‘what if’ pseudo-documentary, which an unwary WHAV reporter has wrongly assumed to be a plausible and factual documentary?