The Armitage Symposium at NecronomiCon Providence (August 2024) now has a full programme online. Including, among many others…

* The Phonotactics of Fear: H.P. Lovecraft and ‘Unknowable’ Languages.

* The Shadow Over Lake Erie: A Trip to Cleveland and its Influence on H.P Lovecraft’s Innsmouth.

* Time as a Narrative Tool in “The Silver Key”: A Figural Interpretation of Randolph Carter.

* Rhode Island in 1912 AD: Immigration, Catholicism, and the Nativist Grotesque.

* Madness and Psychosis in Lovecraft’s World.

Note that Hippocampus also has a new page for Lovecraftian Proceedings No. 5, being the Armitage Symposium proceedings for 2022. No table-of-contents, as yet.