Something for the weekend? Here are some listenable choices for hearing an unabridged reading of The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, in audiobook.

* By the venerable HorrorBabble, free on YouTube. Four hours. The closest to a British accent.

* By Dagoth Ur, free on YouTube. Three hours and 40 mins. Good, but you may want to de-echo it with iZotope RX 7 and then slow it down a bit in the player. Too fast, too much ballroom echo.

* As the SFFaudio Podcast #354, freely online. Nicely paced in five hours, but still a difficult listen in terms of distinguishing the separate words. That may just be down to a variety of American accent unfamiliar to my ear, though. You may have more success. Download available. The discussion came later, in another podcast.

* In paid-for there’s the HPL Historical Society’s Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft audiobook. A clear steady reading by a professional actor. Probably the best choice if you can afford the £40. Too fast for me, at four hours and 23 minutes. For the AIMP player I used a speed of 93%, ‘Voice’ preset in the Equalizer, and a Bass boost.

* You might even pop the text into a Word .DOC, then make sure there is no text that flows across page-breaks. Then save it to a PDF, and drop that into the Microsoft Edge browser. Edge currently offers sustained text-to-speech reading of a PDF, with Microsoft’s advanced AI TTS voices. These are free in Edge, and would otherwise be paid-for.

There is, as yet, no Phil Dragash-like unabridged ‘fully voice-worked’ reading, with music and environmental FX. Note that there are now AI sound FX makers to help things along. Another local one was released just the other day, Stable Audio Open.