Newly-spotted AI image generation plugins, of possible Lovecraftian interest. For use with Stable Diffusion 1.5 models running locally in InvokeAI, ComfyUI or similar.

Carcosa City.

Ivan Aivazovsky style, for atmospheric sea-scape images (just add monsters). Could be used with the new Cinematic Tools – Volumetric Lighting for backdrops needing more eerie depth-haze/fog.

A few creature plugins of note. Auraplanktons for slides of lit deep-sea specimens.

Swamp Mysteries generates ‘somewhat toony but still mysterious’ swamp monsters in swamps.

And today there’s Black Cat. Seemingly meant to be an eldritch mystery moggie so it looks a bit rough, more Lovecraft’s battered ‘Old Man’ cat than kute kitten. Still, all the more suitable for a desperate messenger from Ulthar, etc.

For steampunk and 1920s RPG makers, Style of patent drawing may interest.