John Carpenter’s well-known movie The Thing (1982), had a single-player horror-shooter videogame sequel in 2002. Antarctica. Expeditions. Horrid Alien Life. Paranoia. All very familiar to Lovecraft readers. The game was popular and sold over a million copies.

Now it’s “soon” to be The Thing: Remastered (not to be confused with the remastered movie), offering an overhaul of that glorious olde Millennium-Vision look, and what sounds like some UI and other enhancements. Undated as yet, but it now has a page and trailer on GoG.

I found a detailed “Making of” interview with the makers, about the original 2002 game…

‘Thing’ creatures often have random eyeballs in strange places; that almost plant-like opening-up of structures and there being tentacles inside it; the spindly-leg stuff that pops out of things and parts of the body being able to tear away from other parts of the body and spawn more creatures […] ‘Thing’ creatures rarely look demonic [in the clichéd way].