SP Books (‘Editions des Saint Peres’) has spotted a niche for high-quality reproductions of author manuscripts. One of their latest is “At The Mountains of Madness” in an edition of 1,000. With an introduction by S.T. Joshi.

February 1931. During a cold winter night that brings a hush to Providence, Rhode Island, one man is wide awake. Leaning over his desk, he covers page after page with writing – sometimes in ink, sometimes in pencil for revisions – as the pile of sheets stacks up. Shadows dance around him from the glow of his candle, which flickers with the slightest breath.

He had nearly finished it by the end of April, and then typed it himself. Possibly because no-one else would be able to decipher the maddening scrawl.

If you don’t have the £170 for the hardback, you can also view the same pages free at the Brown Digital Repository.