S.T. Joshi’s blog is back online and has updated. Among the news is a forthcoming (2025)…

volume of Letters to R.H. Barlow. Barlow was in correspondence with a fascinating array of individuals, both in and out of the weird/fantasy/science fiction field, including H. G. Wells, A. Merritt, George Allan England, C. L. Moore, Ernest A. Edkins, August Derleth, and many others. But, aside from his letters to Derleth and to Donald and Howard Wandrei, not many of his own letters survive. The letters he received — many of which are found on a set of three microfilm reels made after his death by his literary executor, George T. Smisor — are full of interesting matter, especially relating to events following Lovecraft’s death in 1937.

Also news of a new two-hour Lovecraft screen documentary from the French, which has so far been seen at “several French festivals”. Apparently an English subtitles version is being prepared. Joshi shows the pleasing promotional poster for the new film.