I’ve found an old postcard of Weybosset Street, showing what must be the entrance door for Lovecraft’s favourite Providence second-hand bookseller (see my long article on ‘Uncle Eddy’ in the Lovecraft Annual). Sadly it’s only a small 600px CardCow picture, with no larger available unless one buys the physical card.
The distinctive dome-roof building on the corner gives the orientation. It can still be seen on Google StreetView.
However, even a basic AI-powered enlargement (Topaz GigaPixel AI) makes it clear the entrance door that would have led down to the cellar bookshop, said to have been the largest ‘open shelves’ store in Providence. The Dana’s store was perhaps larger in stock by the time of Lovecraft’s death, but their two-floor storerooms were not open to public browsers.
Here I’ve subtly highlighted the entrance door…