As we approach October, some Lovecraftian arts announcements…

* “The Shadow Over AFRU” – a show of Lovecraftian & cosmic horror in Portland. A gallery exhibition at the AFRU gallery. Timed to coincide with the Lovecraft Film Festival, then continuing to 29th October 2023. There’s still time to get 2D and sculpture into the show…

Bring out your visions of incomprehensible entities from unknown realms! Forbidden and dangerous knowledge! Irreversible madness from glimpsing creatures beyond the stars! Scientific curiosity decayed into existential dread! And, let us not forget – the catastrophic results of exploring the frozen, lightless corners of the world!

Submission deadline: 22nd September 2023.

* The Lovecraft Sextet’s The Horror Cosmic 12″ LP, due for release 27th October 2023. It’s a move forward for the group’s ambitions, being the…

first soundtrack to a yet-to-be-created movie. ‘The Horror Cosmic’ is a Lovecraftian cosmic horror short story which dives into the existential dread of the infinite nothingness. The album was composed as a soundtrack to accompany the illustrated short story and is an expanded step in the multidisciplinary aspect of the Lovecraft Sextet project. Therefore this release should be listened to as a soundtrack with compositions working to accentuate a specific mood to the specific chapters of the story. ‘The Horror Cosmic’ will also be release as a very limited custom hardcover illustrated short-story book with a special vinyl color LP.

* And don’t forget the Innsmouth Literary Festival in the town of Bedford, UK, on 30th September 2023. A rare Mythos writers event in the UK.

* In RPG games, the planned release of a Trail of Cthulhu 2nd Edition, revised in various ways.

* Lots of videogames too, which can’t be covered here. But I note that the latest trade magazine Edge (November 2023) has an article on the annual tidal surge of such games, “The Call of the Weird” and confirms that…

The videogame influence of H.P. Lovecraft and the Cthulhu mythos is only growing.

Still no dedicated ‘zine for them though, which is perhaps something of a missed opportunity?