I see that Sapentia had a thoughtful NecronomiCon 2022 review, “The Odd, the Free, and the Dissenting”.

Also been and gone, a more local event which celebrated Lovecraft and a member of the Circle. Such things, though small, are always interesting to note. “Cthulhu Comes to Quincy: The Curious Friendship of H.P. Lovecraft & Edward H. Cole” happened back in February 2023.

Edward Cole was a teacher at the Chauncy Hall School in Boston, and a charter member of the Harvard Club in Quincy. However, it was his hobby of amateur journalism that put him in contact with Lovecraft. The friendship became close enough that Lovecraft ventured to Quincy a number of times to visit, despite his deep dislike of leaving his hometown of Providence. Cole and his wife were also some of the very few to attend Lovecraft’s funeral in 1937. This program will discuss the unlikely friendship between these two men, and the excursions they took that may have had an influence on Lovecraft’s fiction.

Also over in Paris, I see that the Helene Berr Media Library had a special Lovecraft evening in January 2023, with lectures and screenings.