This week, ‘Picture Postals’ celebrates NecronomiCon returning to Providence. With an 1877 view from Prospect Terrace, Providence. Later photographs suggest this was much as Lovecraft knew and loved it 20 years later circa 1897.

In Photoshop I’ve given the heavy colour-cast a thorough work-over, with a focus on restoring the sunset glow on one side. Also repaired various flaws, and shrunk it to a manageable 4,500 x 1,800 pixels at 300 dpi. Even so there’s lots of luscious detail to zoom in on. You may need to save it locally, to get the full zoom.

The starting point for my fix and re-colouring…

Creative Commons Attribution, for my new version of the picture. Use it how you like.

Update: Stupid Blog Software™ has re-sized the picture, and refuses not the scale down the original. Here is a .zip with the providence-prospect-1877.jpg.