Hippocampus Press are now listing Lovecraftian Proceedings #4 (February 2022). A paperback of 300 pages of papers delivered at the ’emerging scholars’ event which flanked the NecronomiCon Providence 2019 convention. Looks like it has four historical/topographical articles of possible interest to me…

* The Influence of The Great Game on the Writings of H. P. Lovecraft: The Opening of Tibet and the Creation of Leng.

* The Necronomicon Yalensis and Lovecraft in Connecticut.

* A Lover of Past Phantoms: Lovecraftian Reflections in R. H. Barlow’s Life and Work.

* Neo-Gothic Decadence as a Pervasive Challenge in the Works of H. P. Lovecraft, Arthur Machen, and Alexander Blok.

The full table of contents is here at Hippocampus. The volume can also be found on Amazon already, in paper. Issues #1 through #3 have appeared as budget £1 ebooks on Amazon UK, and I assume that #4 will also do so in due course.