It’s only a few weeks now to the annual Inktober challenge. Yes, I know… there’s a so-called ‘controversy’. But I’ve looked at the claim and it’s quite obviously self-serving bollocks — and thus I’m happy to link to Inktober again for 2020.
I see that J. Logan Carey is already limbering up by making a rather pleasing series of inky Lovecraft designs…
Need more inky drawings? The H.P. Lovecraft Archive now has a handy new page linking to Lovecraft’s Drawings in the Brown repository. From “Nude, Bearded Lovecraft” to “Kittens at Play”, as drawn by Lovecraft himself. Now there’s an Inktober challenge for someone — re-draw them with the quality penmanship that the master lacked.
Greetings: “The Call of Cthulhu” makes several references to voodoo. What other connections can we draw between HPL and voodoo/hoodoo/voudo/etc. in his writings, fiction and nonfiction? (My Sept. question — thank you!)