I’m pleased to see that Spacewarp #1 (August 2020) has launched, and is available on Amazon for the Kindle. It’s a valiant attempt by comics veteran Pat Mills to add a booster-rocket to the British comics revival, in the fun gung-ho style of the original 2000AD and with much the same audience demographics in mind.
A touch pricey at £6.99 for 66 b&w pages in digital, I have to say, and with a front cover that lacks the teen-appeal of its interior preview splashes…
I might have gone with issue #1 at £2.99, just to get younger pocket-money readers thundering through the doors. Then had later issues up at full price, before also lifting #1 to £6.99. But at least it’s public and not locked into some walled-garden app system, and the art looks superb. If you can help publicise it further I’m sure all concerned would be very happy. The next Digital Art Live is nailed down now, but Spacewarp will likely feature in the October issue. Sadly Spacewarp is yet another example of how difficult it is to discover new quality comics, as I’m very alert to such things but have only just discovered it.
I should note that other recent “revive British comics!” titles include The 77, The Brawler, and several more. Of course some, such as Commando with four issues a month, are still going strong with the old time-tested formula and low digital prices.