* S.M. Elizalde, “Horror Vacui: temporalidades para alem do tempo”, Capa, Vol, 18, No. 2, 2020. (In Portuguese. ‘Horror Vacui: Temporalities Beyond Time’. Discusses work on Lovecraft by the Argentine philosopher Fabian Luduena Romandini, re: modernity and the image of time, and also touches on Kant, Nick Land and accelerationism, and Marco Antonio Valentim who appears to be another Argentine philosopher).
* D.N. Gago, “A sombra de Lovecraft sobre Providence”, Gavea-Brown: A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-American Letters and Studies, Vol. 41, 2019. (In Portuguese. Appears to be a short evocation of Lovecraft’s place in his home city).
* J.R. Leo, “There are more thinhgs. El horror Lovecraftniano en la obra de Jorge Luis Borges”, Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, Vol. 48, 2019. (In Spanish. Appears to be a survey of Borges’s debt to and symbiosis with Lovecraft’s work).