Dark Worlds Quarterly peers into the old 1970s Carlton Comics, and particularly their Lovecraftian work in the horror monthies… Part One and Part Two.

There’s a link on the first post to the Digital Comic Museum, of claimed “public domain” comics, where they have over 1,000 Charlton scans currently listed. Though sadly missing is Ghostly Haunts #28, December 1972, which Dark Worlds Quarterly spots as effectively featuring Lovecraft as both a cover-star and the lead character in “No Way Out”

With art by Joe Staton.

Ghostly Haunts was Charlton’s answer to the 1970s titles House of Mystery and Tower of Shadows and it ran from 1971-78. #28 also had Steve Ditko interior story, but even so it seems fairly easy to find cheap on eBay in a slightly worn condition. However a little searching online reveals… there’s “No Way Out”. Another item for a potential ‘Lovecraft as Character’ encyclopedia.

Talking of comics, an undergraduate-oriented introductory Comics Studies: A Guidebook book is set for publication in mid-August 2020, from Rutgers University Press.