I don’t normally feature calls from anthology editors, but I’ll make an exception for one that’s both historical and British-flavoured. Shadows Over Avalon seeks stories arising from a short passage in H.P. Lovecraft’s The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

They were the pointed Saxon minuscules [scribal handwriting] of the eighth or ninth century A.D., and brought with them memories of an uncouth time when under a fresh Christian veneer ancient faiths and ancient rites stirred stealthily, and the pale moon of Britain looked sometimes on strange deeds in the Roman ruins of Caerleon and Hexham, and by the towers along Hadrian’s crumbling wall.

One of Lovecraft’s ancestral roots went back to Hexham and its district, and he had made an intensive study of the area via maps and books.

The remains of the Ancient Roman frontier wall at Hexham.

What’s wanted for the new book? The editors seek… “Cthulhu Mythos stories set in the Arthurian world”. Deadline: 1st October 2020.

Here’s Bartholemew’s 1910 map of the Arthurian Regions, to help you along, though doubtless the Arthurians now have better. Chester as Caerleon is very dodgy, and presumably the likes of Wolverhampton are only there for orientation.

And two evocative pictures from Hexham…

In the Saxon crypt at Hexham Abbey.

Ancient Roman memorial stone to a soldier, later found and set up in Hexham Abbey.