Another survey of what’s new on DeviantArt…

Azathoth, the demon sultan by Taisteng.

Lovecraft and Barlow by Loneanimator.

Iranon by FluoriteAmphibian.

Necronomicon 5 by Libriproibiti.

“Ketched in the rain, be ye?” by SamInabinet.

The Gilman House by MaestroMorte.

The Cats From Ulthar a mini-sculpture by DeterFArt. More.

Cthulhu in digital oil by Stayinwonderland. “This is the first in a series of paintings … I’m imagining a coastal town in England where a Cthulhu cult emerged. Either prior to, or in parallel with, the Innsmouth story and set close to 1900.”

H.P. Lovecraft by AnnaHSzymborska.