Wondering what’s in the public domain from 1924? The mainstream media seem to be doing a very poor job of covering the matter this year, but I had a post back in the summer that looked into it in depth for the USA and elsewhere. As for Lovecraft…
for Lovecraft, 1924 brought publication of […] the notorious Eddy necrophilia collaboration “The Loved Dead”; and the ghost-written Houdini tale “Imprisoned with the Pharaohs”.
This raises the question of if the Eddy estate can any longer prevent “The Loved Dead” (Weird Tales, May/July 1924) from appearing in U.S. collections of Lovecraft’s ghost-writing collaborations.
I also imagine the tale would, with a few additions and some tweaking, provide someone with an over-the-top comics adaptation in 2020.
magister76se said:
The texts for “Ashes”, “The Ghost-Eater” and “The Loved Dead” have been restored to the H. P. Lovecraft Archive already.
David Haden said:
Yes, thanks, I’d noticed that and linked “The Loved Dead” here – but I didn’t want to get into a tangle about whether “Ashes” and “Ghost” had also slipped into the public domain or not.
magister76se said:
All three were published in 1924. I would expect “Deaf, Dumb, and Blind” to follow next year.