The popular DuckDuckGo search-engine’s ‘safe search’ mode censors one result from the following search…

site: pleasure

This should find all instances of the word “pleasure” in the fiction of H.P. Lovecraft.

On close comparison the censored item turns out to be the unremarkable round-robin story “The Challenge from Beyond” (1935), which DuckDuckGo appears to think is adult content and blocks. I can only assume this may be because the phrase “naked fundamentals” and “physical delights” occur near to “pleasure”…

With the honesty possible only when life is stripped to its naked fundamentals, he realized that he remembered with pleasure only the physical delights of his former life.

This line is also the highlighted snippet in the Duck’s search results.

In this case we can’t blame Bing, a main upstream provider for DuckDuckGo and possibly the worst of the big search engines. Since Bing can’t handle a site: search at that level of URL specificity. Nor does Bing block “The Challenge from Beyond” with its own Safe Search on and a trimmed-back URL.

Nor does anything untoward happen with the far more worthy Russian search-engine Yandex, the Duck’s other main upstream provider.

The conclusion must be that the Duck is implementing its own dumb censorship filter based on keywords and phrases. Something to bear in mind if you’re using it to site: search