New on DeviantArt…

The Great Old One by icoppens of Belgium, in poster style.

Neo Cthulhu by DerMalerinGelb of Germany.

Yog-Sothoth by AstShera of Russia. In stipple, if you look at it in full-res.

Lovecraft’s laptop by SelineToolate of Russia.

The Dunwich Horror by Mediocre-Grimm of the USA.

Mythos by juniorWoodchuck of Switzerland. (Including hypothetical relic populations of reptilian animals that might inhabit the Nameless City).

Mi-Go, soldier caste by Reinhard-Gutzat of the USA. (Part of his “Bizarre Biology” currently on display at the Brooklyn Art Library).

Mountains of Madness storyboards from Paraberio in Spain. (Partly online, and also as a wordless story-sequenced ebook)