The Spanish journal Brumal has a new call for papers on ‘the fantastic and ideologies’. Deadline 15th June 2019.
The call makes for a very difficult read in English. So I had a quick go at making it comprehensible, as well as far less verbose…
Academics often assume that genre content is an industrial product, made to be a fleeting entertainment for juvenile minds. Another common assumption is that artists who use imagination in the form of ‘the fantastic’ are mere escapists, and that these artists and their audiences are to be condemned for seriously betraying their expected ideological commitments. While several outstanding works try to identify ideologies in the fantastic, we do not yet have a toolset which allows a meaningful dialogue between researchers. This is unfortunate, given i) the current immense popularity and range of ‘the fantastic’ and ii) the great power that media is alleged to have to infuse ideologies into young minds. Thus we call for papers on themes such as:
* The ideological critique of fantastic motifs.
* Conceptualization of values by means of fantastic metaphors.
* Comparison of ideological elements in fantastic fiction that belong to different literary systems.
* Outward expressions of particular ideologies in fantastic works: nationalism, liberalism, feminism, anarchism, socialism, etc.
* Authorship of fantastic texts and ideological construction.