I’m always pleased to find another Lovecraft comics adaptation, and have just dug up news of two new volumes. H.P. Lovecraft’s Worlds Vol. 1: The Lurking Fear and Other Tales, and H.P. Lovecraft’s Worlds Vol. 2: Dagon and Other Tales. Both from Caliber Comics, 2018.

Vol. 1 is:

The Lurking Fear
Beyond the Wall of Sleep
The Tomb
The Alchemist

Vol. 2 is:

Arthur Jermyn
Picture in the House
Statement of Randolph Carter
Music of Erich Zann

It looks like there’s a lot of heavy adaptation going on here, and apparently the author wrote a lot of new dialogue to ‘compensate’ for Lovecraft’s lack of it. Erich Zann is transferred to America. Dagon is updated to the nuclear submarine era. Harley Warren now works for the FBI. The Lurking Fear is set in the 1990s.

Judging by the pages of art for the “Picture in the House” adaptation that I found, you may want to try the Kindle free-sample before you pay money for copies. It’s not that it’s bad. The layout, framing and expressions are competent, it’s just rather unappealing and 1960s-looking compared to what I’d expect to see from a Lovecraft comics adaptation in 2018.