Possibly of interest, a new book of Lovecraft in Italian, illustrated by leading Italian illustrators. The Horror of Lovecraft: Deluxe Edition (Lulu, 2018). Squinting at it through Google Translate, I can’t quite figure out what it is: a set of illustrated translations of Lovecraft; or an anthology of Lovecraft pastiches / Mythos stories, illustrated. Mention is made of at least one translation, of “The Dunwich Horror”, so perhaps it’s a mix of Lovecraft originals and stories from Italian writers.
This is how you do a stylish cover. There’s also an affordable ebook PDF version, which will likely be a better medium than Lulu’s interior print for viewing the colour illustrations. Lulu is fine for paperback covers, re: colour quality, but my experience with their colour for interior pages and calendars has been less satisfactory.
Also of interest in Italian and with an equally elegant cover, GARDENS OF THE FANTASTIC: The wonders of botany from myth to science in literature, cinema and comics (2017). A brisk survey across history, including Lovecraft, and with about 40 illustrations. It might make someone the basis of an expanded and more heavily-illustrated English translation?