Here’s a quick and dirty translation, giving the gist of the scholarly contents in the new Italian journal Antares No.8, 2014 — a freely available H.P. Lovecraft special issue…
Editorial: the Copernican revolution of H.P. Lovecraft.
Lovecraft, or the inconsistency of the real. [?]
Lovecraft and the traditions of New England.
The Key and the Mountain: the dream symbolism in Lovecraft.
HPL and the FBI: the anthrax hoaxes [seems to relate to the cases of hoax letters in Syracuse, USA]
Lovecraft, the quest of the genius who came from outside. [?]
The fall of Sarnath and the fall of Rome.
The “doors of perception” and the “cracks in the Great Wall” [possibly on HPL as the forerunner of psychedelic drug literature?]
“The Master of Cosmicism” – an interview with S.T. Joshi.
“The fantastic is the exception, not the rule” – an interview with Giuseppe Lippi.
* Renzo Giorgetti, Lovecraf e la sincronicita, presentazione di Sebastiano Fusco, Solfanelli, Chieti 2013, pp.128. [Lovecraft and synchronicity]
* Antonio Tentori, H.P. Lovecraf e il cinema, Edizioni Profondo Rosso, Roma 2014, pp.240. [Lovecraft and cinema]
* Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Parola di Lovecraft, a cura di S.T. Joshi, edizione italiana ampliata a cura di Pietro Guarriello, presentazione di Gianfranco de Turris, Societa Editrice La Torre, San Marco Evangelista 2012, pp. 156. [Seems to be a collection of Lovecraft’s autobiographical writings]
* Studi Lovecraftani, a.VIII, n. 13, inverno 2013. [The Italian eqivalent of the Lovecraft Annual]