From Barcelona, Spain, Brumal: research journal on the fantastic. Out now, under Creative Commons, Vol.1, No.1, Spring 2013 (PDF link). Mostly in Spanish, but with an Introduction and lead essay in English, “The Fantastic Hole: towards a theorisation of the fantastic transgression as a phenomenon of space”.


The Brumal website also has a link to another new open access journal, Pasavento: revista de estudios hispanicos. This also has its inaugural Vol.1, No.1 issue out now, and begins its run with a special Monsters issue. All Pasavento contents are in Spanish.

Also news from Brumal of…

* The first conference in Costa Rica (Central America) on fantastic literature, set for mid September 2013.

* A conference in Brazil in 2014, (Re)Visions of the Fantastic, for which the website is currently dead for me in the UK.