I was thinking of doing a basic “core-facts” Lovecraft timeline. As a big desktop-based side-scroller timeline for the Web. With three strands running parallel to each other: his life events / dates for writing and publication of the works / relevant general-history dates. Sadly timeline creation software is still as crap as it was in 2007, the last time I went looking for it in a serious way. The software is either geared toward: genealogists (ugly, fiddly, expensive); arcane computer-coding nerds (ugly, fiddly to install, always in beta); or business owners or schoolkids who just want a dozen items on a dinky little timeline (can sometimes be pretty, but can’t handle hundreds of items / side-scrolling / slick zooming in-and-out). Anyone have experience of a good timeline software, for the sort of finished Web history timeline that I’m envisioning? I’m thinking I may have to code it in javascript and HTML, as I did in 2007 🙁