It’s Mr. H.P. Lovecraft’s 122nd birthday! So far, sugarcrafted cakes seem to be the art medium of choice. Chud has an excellent round-up of Lovecraft-themed cakes.

Above: sugarcraft by Cake Amsterdam.

Jason McKittrick has a limited edition statuette, available only today — a sea-worn Cthulhu, as if just dredged from the ocean.

A morning literary walk in Providence.

Facebook suggests there’ll be an informal gathering at the grave marker in Providence today.

I’ve made a free annotated version of Lovecraft’s “The History of the Necronomicon”.

There’s a birthday art show at a gallery in Seattle.

Also various film sceenings and parties in America and the UK.

Possibly more to come, once the Americans get their first coffee of the day in about six hours from now.