Got a spare $200+, and looking for the coolest Xmas present? The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society has a two-volume set of facsimiles of all Lovecraft’s Weird Tales appearances…
“These two volumes reprint in facsimile all of Lovecraft’s writings in Weird Tales: original tales, collaborations, poems and letters to ye editor. Volume One covers October 1923—July 1924, and is an oversized edition of 52 pages; Volume Two (November 1924—September 1952) is 568 pages!”
[ Hat-tip: Wimum Pugmire ]
Martin A said:
Those volumes also include two Houdini texts, in which Lovecraft had no part.
David Haden said:
I guess that doubles the sales, since the Houdini buffs will also therefore want copies 😉 Any idea why they may have been included, otherwise?
Martin A said:
The editors of the books asked fans — not experts — what should be included, and some fan thought that HPL had ghostwritten more than “Under the Pyramids”/”Imprisoned with the Pharaohs” for Houdini.
David Haden said:
Aha, I suspected something like that. Thanks.
Wilum Hopfrog Pugmire, Esq. said:
I had them but gave my copies to S. T. As soon as I can repurchase yem I am. They are wonderful, handsomely bound in red boards, and all of the artwork is FABULOUS.