More interesting academic works, freely available online.

* A chapter in a Masters disseratation in History, relevant to Lovecraft…

“The Yellow Peril: the American Pulps Between the World Wars, 1919-1935” in: Nathan Vernon Madison (2010), Isolationism, Internationalism and the ‘Other’: The Yellow Peril, German Brute and Red Menace in Earlyto Mid Twentieth Century Pulp Magazines and Comic Books.

* A doctoral thesis…

Jonathan Maximilian Gilbert (2008), “The Horror, the Horror”: the Origins of a Genre in Late Victorian and Edwardian Britain, 1880–1914.

* Chapter three in a Masters dissertation on horror as a sort of “self-medication”…

“‘All the Cosmos is a Jest’: Preemptive Trauma Mediation in the Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft”, in: Jacob M. Hodgen (2008), ‘Boot Camp for the Psyche’: Inoculative Nonfiction and Pre-Memory Structures as Preemptive Trauma Mediation in Fiction and Film.