I found a new Lovecraft documentary, or at least new to me. Sponsored by the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities (“major grant awarded in the Spring of 2011”) and the Center for Independent Documentary. The directors of Finding Lovecraft only have this trailer at present, released June 2011…

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N438T1Wylk&w=560&h=315]

“a feature-length documentary fantasy, now in production in Providence, RI. We explore the life and unique style of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft, and illustrate his unique legacy using an innovative mix of narrative and documentary storytelling. A Lovecraft-inspired story unfolds for the filmmakers as we delve into the life of this extraordinary character through archival research and expert interviews.”

I was disconcerted to hear the director say in the trailer that he’s one of those who simply dislikes all of Lovecraft’s fiction. Seriously, does he really mean to say he couldn’t find anything to like, not even “The Cats of Ulthar”? But it seems the documentary is to focus instead on the the life and letters, and the various ‘Lovecraft’ places in Rhode Island. I think Finding Lovecraft will be the fourth substantial documentary:— it will follow the workmanlike but flawed The Eldritch Influence: The Life, Vision, and Phenomenon of H.P. Lovecraft (2004); the excellent Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown (2009); and the 45-minute BBC Radio documentaries The Young Man of Providence (BBC Radio 4, 1983), and Weird Tales: the Strange Life of H.P. Lovecraft (BBC Radio 3, 2006). I’d love to see someone make a proper Ken Burns-style Lovecraft documentary about his time in New York City.