Viktor Wynd’s Little Shop of Horrors, London…

“The shop is perhaps best seen as an attempt to recreate or reinterpret with twenty first century sensibilities a 17th century Kunstkamera, a collection of objects assembled on a whim on the basis of their aesthetic or historical appeal, there is no attempt at creating or explaining any metanarratives or educating anyone, merely a display of naturalia and artificialia designed to give pleasure to the creators of the museum, who hope that you too will enjoy it.”

“Surprising numbers of our visitors wish to spend their time in trying to work out what is real and what is not. A distinction that we do not see, nor understand. Up until the Nineteenth century to call something original was to insult it, for if no one has done something before there’s probably a good reason, and so many people have done so much since then, and much of it to be regretted, that to be original or to claim to have something that is original can only really be seen as unlikely and extremely pretentious.”