My thanks to Horace, who has left a link in the Tentaclii comments. His link leads to a 2021 YouTube upload of “Providence, R.I. in the 1910s and Early 1920s”, a compilation made by the Rhode Island Historical Society. Here are my notes on it…

[09:12] Good to see there was ginger-ale in Providence!

[static 11:36, static close-up 12:09, moving 21:04] Frontage of Keith’s Vaudeville, a known haunt of the young Lovecraft (then “Keith’s Continuous Vaudeville”, circa 1900). Not a great angle, but the ‘moving people’ third instance adds something. It was evidently a far busier street than static postcards might imply.

[16:43] It’s possible we see Lovecraft’s High School, but very dark and brief? Looks similar.

[17:55, 18:13] The plaza in front of the Post Office has a couple of very distant lookalikes, who vaguely evoke Lovecraft’s walk downtown for stamps and parcels. It’s winter (leaves are off the trees, heavy overcoats on) but it’s also mid-day and very sunny. So it’s not impossible he would have ventured out to the Post Office. So far as I know he had no other more local Post Office option, on or near College Hill. Though there were collection boxes for letters.

[20:49] Weybosset Street. As usual the view is too far down into the commercial centre to see the “Uncle Eddy” bookstore. That store is further up and behind the cameraman.

[20:59] We do see the Crown Hotel though, on Weybosset St. Sonia stayed there when she first came to the city, and she treated Lovecraft to a sumptuous dinner at the Crown in September 1921. So it’s only a few years distant from that moment, given that the footage is perhaps from about 1919/1920 or so.

[22:27] The Hope St. Reservoir, and full of water (it was drained and decommissioned circa 1927-28). Possibly the most interesting bit of the video, as it shows the reservoir that rose opposite Lovecraft’s old High School and Barnes Street (not that he was living there until 1926). Three quick views across the reservoir lip are shown. One with what looks like the State House dome in the distance, but it seems too close… and thus could well be a church with the same type of dome.

This is as good as restoration gets for these three views, with the current state of AI…

These would likely have been streets Lovecraft knew, both from his High School days, and later when living at Barnes Street. Here we can see a bird’s eye view. At Barnes Lovecraft lived just off to the left of the picture, a touch further along Barnes Street.