I recently interviewed Steele Filipek’s parter in 3D comics Andrew Buttigieg, for VisNews, and was pleased to learn that Steele has also just launched a Lovecraftian comic Arcane #1 (Sept 2021). It’s published and can be had in digital for a 20% discount on Gumroad. It should also be on Amazon soon in digital, although they’re closing down their Comixology store soon so I guess there may be a bit of delay there.
Arcane is a Young Adult take on Lovecraft, with very attractive artwork…
It’s finally here! First envisioned by ten-year-old me and set into motion four years ago, my ongoing, monthly series, Arcane, is finally here! If you like Lovecraftian horror, Saga of the Swamp Thing, and Young Adult media, check it out! Fourteen year-old Hogan Serrano accidentally touched the Oculus and gained the memories of the hundreds who bore that ancient artifact before him. Now, every wannabe cultist, esoteric magician, and maniac would kill for the secrets in Hogan’s brain to help them control reality… and beyond.