Transcription: H.P. Lovecraft’s Letter to Author C.M. Eddy Jr on Nov. 20th, 1924…
“As of today, Buzz Bookstore has acquired a handwritten letter from “the father of modern horror”, HP Lovecraft, to his friend and collaborator CM Eddy Jr. In looking through my collection of Arkham House “Selected Letters of Lovecraft” books, I was unable to locate a existing transcription of this particular piece.”
Perhaps unpublished, but the transcription has nothing that’s not already known, as far as I can tell. Except perhaps his opinion on two Weird Tales “art headers”…
“meanwhile pray accept my apology for delay of your tale. Hope it gets a good art heading. I’ve seen the Brosnatch drawings for my “Festival” & “Randolph Carter”, & although they’re good, they don’t fit the narratives any too well.”