A thoughtful new short survey of Poe in the comics, “Edgar Allan Poe: Immortality Is But Ubiquity in Time”. Though in its opening paragraphs, in seeming to follow only the elite academic sentiment on ‘reputation’, it overlooks the huge popular grassroots upswell of interest across America. I’m no expert on Poe, but from reading around Lovecraft I get the impression that Poe was hugely popular at the grassroots from roughly 1909 to 1929, after which many tastes changed and interest was dampened by the onset of the Great Depression.

The same comics blog has an amusing “Tentacle Tuesday” feature-post, in which tentacles from long-gone comics are on display. It’s worth plugging into your RSS news reader, though be warned that some pictures are “Not Safe for Work” in terms of nudity and tentacular probing / politically correctness.