* Geza Arthur George Reilly (2014), “”Escape from the prison-house of the known”: reading weird fiction in its historical contexts” (PhD thesis, University of Manitoba. Proposes that useful new scholarly perspectives can be gained by the analysis of… “weird fictions via their specific historical locations [and] placement within specific historical milieus [in regard to the work of] Lovecraft, Smith, Howard, Bloch, and Ligotti”. The first chapter examines traces of the First World War in Lovecraft’s stories)
* Ludwig Karlsson (2014), “The Statement that is Randolph Carter: growth in a nihilistic universe” (Masters dissertation, Stockholm University. The recurring character of Randolph Carter seen as a prism of Nietzschean virtues)
* Iago Mosquera Gonzalez, and Xavier Moron Dapena (2014), “El Necronomicon visto desde el Aleph: pseudointertextualidad en Lovecraft y Borges” (In Spanish. “The Necronomicon seen from the Aleph: pseudo-intertextuality in Lovecraft and Borges”, in Sobrenatural, Fantastico y Metareal: La Perspectiva de America Latina, pp.39-46)
* Andre Roberto Tonussi Arnaut (2013), “Onde fica a Rue D’auseil? A primazia do horror sobre a aporia, de Levinas a Lovecraft” (Seems to be a Masters dissertation for the Department of Philosophy at the University of Brazil. In Portuguese. An attempt to understand Levinas and Lovecraft via the use of elements of contemporary European philosophy)