* Brian Leno (2006), “Lovecraft’s Southern Vacation“, The Cimmerian Vol. 3, No. 2, 2006. (Recounts the story of how the Howard-Lovecraft correspondence came about, claims that Howard later felt slighted by the humorous names Lovecraft used for him in letters, such as “Sagebrush Bob” etc, then goes on from this to claim that Howard’s… “1934 tale ‘Pigeons From Hell,’ [is] a story full of anti-Lovecraftian subtext”)

* Chris Jarocha-Ernst (2013), “Commonplace and Trivial” at rutgers.edu. (A partial annotation of Lovecraft’s Commonplace Book, the notebook containing his story germs and basic plot ideas)

* Jesse Norford (2010), “Pagan Death: Lovecraftian Horror and the Dream of Decadence”. (Lovecraft is rooted in late-nineteenth-century cultural fears and desires that arose in response to a renewed interest in paganism and the occult)