Now on, Renderosity’s community 2023 Halloween Contest. Has an open theme, other than “Halloween”. Prizes include Poser 13 and store gift certificates. Deadline: 7th November 2023.
Category Archives: Poser
Have you ever thought, “I wish Windows and Windows apps had the equivalant of a browser’s UserScripts and CSS Styles”. Now they do, in the form of the freeware Windhawk for Windows. Version 1.0 released at Christmas 2022, and it’s now in 1.31 (April 2023).
Dark mode for Notepad? It’s here. Replace any text with any other text, in any Windows program UI? That to. Force dark mode in the new Microsoft Paint? Yup. There are many more mods, including ones that add much-missed Windows 7 functionality to later lesser versions of Windows.
Yes, it injects code into a running Windows process (not into critical system processes). Your anti-virus and PC may freak out at that, especially in Windows 10/11. But source code is available for all mods, and there’s a central repository which checks the code before adding the mod.
Possibly especially useful if you have a fine bit of creative software which lacks the dark mode that artists like. Dark mode for Poser, anyone?
Your free V3 to V4 pose converter
V3 to V4 pose converter, via DAZ Studio. For free, mostly… probably.
Does it work? I tried it. Here’s the step-by-step tutorial.
1. Get the free “V3/A3/GV3 Pose Transfer to G8F” script (choose the second updated .ZIP file) for DAZ. Then the free “G8F to V4/A4 Pose Transfer” script. You need to be signed in to the DAZ Forums and Renderosity to get these.
2. Unzip and combine the two script-sets into a sensibly named folder. Such as “V3 to V4 pose converter”, so you can find it under Scripts in the DAZ Library in future. Install the folder as you usually would. Load DAZ Studio. Check in Scripts inside the DAZ Library, to see the folder installed correctly.
3. In DAZ, find and load a V3 base figure to the scene. Go: Poser Library runtime (you linked it, right?) | Figures | DAZ People | V3.
4. Find and load a suitable V3 pose.
5. While you’re there, also load a standard V4.2 to the scene. I could not get the second DAZ script working with a plain V4. It must be V4.2.
6. Now go back up to the main DAZ runtime in the Library. Load a G8F in the same scene.
7. Drop all figures to the Floor, just in case (Select figure, Crtl + D) and space them out in the scene. Now save the scene for a ‘quickstart’ in future.
Start the V3 to G8 script. Once the script has started it will prompt to you select the hips of each figure. Once this is done, press OK.
8. The script is really quick. Once done, Ctrl + D to ‘drop to the floor’ again, just in case. Yes, G8F took the V3 pose…
This was where I found out that old V4 doesn’t work, and that V4.2 is required.
9. Now do the same with the G8 to V4 script. The result here with a V4.2 is fairly good, except for the “thumbs up” and the “elbow/thigh contact” which will need adjusting later.
10. Then go back into the Library Scripts and locate your Poser Format Exporter (aka PoserFormatExporter), which is still working in DAZ 4.21.x. This vital add-on script for working with Poser is currently paid at $7, but was free in the past for many years. You may already have it installed, or have got it in the distant past and can thus re-download it from your “Purchases” library at the DAZ Store.
Select V4.2 in the DAZ scene and use PoserFormatExporter to save out the V4 pose as a .PZ2 file for Poser. I had success with the following settings…
11. Load Poser, load a v4.2 figure, then drag-drop your newly made .PZ2 pose onto the figure. She will take the pose. Make some final small adjustments and save the pose into Poser natively.
Done. Nope, there’s no batch. It’s ‘one at a time’, as you need the old V3 pose on a V4.
Not tested with ‘M3 to G8F to M4’, but I guess that may be possible. The scripts are open text files, so they could be adjusted as needed in response to any error messages.
The result is far more accurate than a straight “drop a V3 pose on a V4.2” attempt. As you can see in the results seen below, where we have intersected feet/knees, fist hitting the head, no toe/foot bending, and one hand with scary ‘flying fingers’ which would take a lot of correcting. I suspect the fist is also bunched too tightly…
An alternative ‘drag and drop’ of the pose, direct to a V4.2 in Poser. Doesn’t work properly.
New for Poser and DAZ in August / September 2023
Yes, it’s another survey of the new goodies for Poser and DAZ Studio users, the first since my last survey — which was at the end of July 2023.
The big news in Poser is that the Mac version of Poser 13 has released, and in the very latest Poser (13.1.469) there are “real-time Comic Book Preview improvements”.
Space Station Construction Set for Poser.
5,000 years later, when humanity has moved on to colonise the galaxy… the space station might look like the new free Space Wreck for DAZ.
A generic future-hallway Terminal. Perhaps it could also be a robot charging-station, if you added a couple of cables. Although in the future the charging will likely be done constantly by under-floor induction, Dalek style.
A free Streamers Room with a sci-fi vibe. For DAZ and Poser, and also has an OBJ folder.
Could be paired with this free Funky Armchair…
Spaceship Dock for DAZ. Just add your sleek SuperBeam 5000 spaceship etc. Probably piloted by the Gynoid X05 for G8 and Victoria 8, which is also available separately for G3F.
A stylised Astronaut House for DAZ, by 1971. With spaceship and launch rail. Could be paired with the new matching SF unit for DS also from 1971s.
A free levitating Ride-on HoverMower. Just the thing for mowing all those solarpunk ‘green rooftops’.
A free Horse drawn carriage. Possibly pulled by a steam-horse.
Aetherial Disruptor for DAZ. A giant steampunk/dieselpunk machine.
The Disruptor could be paired with the new Industrial Warehouse Filter Tanks.
Or the new Industrial Warehouse Monitor.
A new Steampunk Soldier Helmet for G8M from Cybertenko. This integrates with his new Steampunk Soldier Uniform for G8M.
Wild West Outpost which could easily be retro-fitted for steampunk.
Traveller for FRQ dForce: Agile Cloak. A materials set for April 2023’s dForce Agile Cloak.
dForce Warrior Monk Outfit. Could also be an outfit for a snake charmer.
And here’s The Snake for DAZ Studio. Rigged, with morphs, skins and poses.
M3 Extreme for Poser. For use with M3 Low-res, so you can have an army of them in a scene.
Free, Fangs for P6 Jessi.
Toon Kids for Genesis 9 (poses ONLY).
Little Tin Mecha and extra materials set.
Birthday Present Gift Boxes. Simple toony boxes.
DAV Yasaki for Genesis 9, a new semi-toon female with outfit.
Cartoonized for Genesis 9. Supposedly… “effortlessly transforms any character into a captivating cartoon version, all while preserving their distinctive features.” Most of it’s in the addition of big eyes, by the look of it.
Figures, poses and clothes:
The Sleuth, now updated for Genesis 8.1.
Zachariah for Genesis 8.1 Male. Could look good with the new hipster dForce SPR Gentleman Hair.
A free Merlin for Apollo Maximus, Make your old Apollo Maximus look like Merlin the wizard.
dForce for DAZ, dCape 001 and dCape 002, a long and a short cape for superheroes, with multiple material zones for customisation.
Louder Than Words Louder Than Words 2 in DAZ AniBlocks. Dialogue / argument pose animations, without facial expressions. Said to work with all Genesis figures.
Free Fluffy High Heel Sandals.
Free High Heels and associated Pose for La Femme for Poser.
V4 graft for Genesis 9… “Use V4 MAT poses and/or textures on Genesis 9. This is a wardrobe piece that allows you to use V4 textures and full material poses on G9”. Free, not tested by me as yet.
Relatively simple morph dials to swap gender in Genesis 8 and Genesis 3. Free, not tested by me as yet.
Free Seam Guides for LaFemme for Poser.
Universal Hands And Feet Control for DAZ. Panel based controls.
Tossed Plush Toys for DAZ.
Simple vintage Hooks, for satchels and the like.
3D Universe’s Character Randomizer for K4 heads and bodies, currently 80% off. M4 and V4 currently have the same discount.
Time Machine for Genesis 9. Simple controls for an “age spectrum from infancy to old age” for the new G9.
Peep, a stylised “fluffy chick” for DAZ and Poser.
LoREZ Gazelle with 22 poses.
Gremlin, a fine fancy roost-ruling chicken for Poser.
Nature’s Wonders Ladybugs (aka Ladybirds in the UK). Ten species including the classic 7-spot red.
A free basic Horse Blanket for Horse 3. No securing straps.
Free, low-poly Nature’s Wonders Aphids. Could also be scaled up, to become 1950s b-movie monsters in a misty Poser-to-Vue background?
Lorez Rat – Strand Based Hair. Requires the Lorez Rat.
Landscapes and plants:
PlantCatalog: swamps and wetlands has been released.
Free, the Ancient Egyptian Game of Mau Mau.
A Roman Garden courtyard for DAZ.
Far From Home – Winter Legion for Roman soldiers. Metal plate and padded garments, for cold winter conditions. There’s also a new Roman Legionary Bundle for DAZ.
dForce AQ Merovingian Warrior outfit for Genesis 9.
A free Vintage Ear Trumpet.
A cheesy 1870 ‘riverboat girl’ bar-room costume, the Just Class Dress for G8F and G9F.
A stained hillbilly “Grampaw Shootemup” dForce Union Suit Outfit. he’s “a’ gonna git that gal back frum thet durn river-boat”…
1910s Rolls-Royce Armored Car for Poser, and there’s also a separately sold DAZ version.
A 1920s or 30s Wincharger radio shack for Poser, with interior. Probably located atop the new Abandoned Mine.
1970s hippy overalls for Genesis 8 Female.
The Old Railway Cutting. A large disused city railway of the type often seen in the 1970s and 80s after the line closures of the 1960s.
1980s style Bumper Cars for Daz Studio. With fairground enclosure.
A free Snow Sign. Historical because “snow is a thing of the past”, and we’re supposed to believe “the earth is on fire” as the UN tells us we’re officially in “the era of global boiling”. Yup.
Dynamic Clothing ToolBox for Poser. Simplifies “the full process to import the OBJ file, then add material zones to constrained, soft decorated or rigid decorated groups”.
Camera facing billboard script for Poser.
Script Runner for Blender. Making it easier to find and run Python scripts in Blender.
How to Install PD Howler 2024 and play with 3D sharks. The latest Howler is said to be 9x faster, due to an innovative new CPU/GPU combo.
Free, How I use Multipass and Mask Render Toolbox.
Optimizing DAZ Studio: Memory, Rendering, Scenes and Workflow.
Brush Brilliance: Mastering Photoshop Brushes with your Renders. To add water, debris, snow, rain, rips etc.
Comic-book production helpers:
Krita 5.1 Tutorial: Intro to the Comics Manager. Krita is the free 2D painting software.
Mojo Moo for Krita 5. The latest comic-book production helper add-on for the free Krita. Free.
Free or “pay what you want”, a Toon Shader MatCap Pack, supposedly “for any 3D software”. Untested by me.
OpenPose for Poser 12 and 13. Send AI-ready poses and hand-poses to the Stable Diffusion AI, from Poser.
Convert any image to lineart with SD’s ControlNet. Looks promising. I wonder if the prompt “in the inking style of Jack Kirby” would work in combination with this method.
“The Train is Leaving the Station… Get On Board With AI Art NOW… or Waste Years Playing Catch-Up Later” makes a good case.
On the other hand, maybe you’ll want the free “Not AI” – the transparent PNG logo set.
That’s it for August and half of September 2023. More at the end of October.
Release: OpenPose for Poser – Poser to SD
Ken K has released OpenPose for Poser 12, which provides the first ‘Poser to Stable Diffusion’ pipeline.
The Video Demo suggests it’s useful for speeding up the feeding of SD with exact poses, and it looks especially useful for hands. While a Controlnet can provide native openpose estimation, the hands are often not well detected. Ken’s method lets you get excellent hands.
The free alternative might be something like a .BVH to OpenPose converter. But no-one seems to have made one, which seems rather amazing. Everyone wants to do it from analysed video pixels rather than the skeletons of 3D figures. So Ken’s new product seems unique.
Poser 13.1.469 released – real-time Comic Book Preview improvements
Poser 13.1.469 has been released. Hurrah, some improvement of non-photoreal rendering. Unspecified…
– Improvements to Comic Book Preview Draw Last feature.
Sounds good. Also, for photoreal…
– Major changes to subsurface scatter on the PhysicalSurface root node, ‘Burley’ set as Subsurface Method default.
– More improvements to subsurface scatter.
And some 2D picture export fixes…
– Added pref[erence] in General Preferences Render tab, to not export original render.
– ‘Copy Picture’ correctly pastes to 3rd-party paint programs.
– PSD Image export no longer shifts to a darker color space. SRGB successfully converting on export.
Plus some changes that may make Mac users happy…
– On the Mac: Enhanced backward compatibility on Mac OS 10.15 (Catalina) or better.
– On the Mac: The PostFX window scene preview properly fits and is better centered.
The version was 13.1.449, before this new update.
SuperFlying Dreamland for Poser
Poser could be the ‘killer app’ in creative AI, in terms of usable graphics production for storytelling.
Imagine an AI that takes what you see in the Poser viewport, and works on that, giving you 98% consistent character renders which would allow the creation of graphic novels etc.
The aim would be to keep all character details consistent and stable, while also ‘AI rendering’ the viewport into a consistent professional ‘art style’. Auto-analysis of a quick real-time render from the Viewport might be needed (already here, elsewhere) and auto-prompt construction (already here). Perhaps there might be some on-the-fly LoRA training going on too, behind the scenes. Then, the AI image generation would be done.
You can kind of do all this now, outside of Poser, using Poser renders. But what if it was all neatly integrated into Poser, and ran on SDXL? All those royalty-free runtime assets then become super-valuable, since with their aid you can easily get the AI to do exactly what you want. Face, expression, pose, clothes, camera-angle. Hands. All output by the AI to the usual masked .PNG file, ready to drop over a 2D backplate in Photoshop. In three clicks. And all consistent between images, enough to satisfy even the most fersnickety regular comics reader.
The aim would not be to go wild, but to get something very close to the arrangement and content seen in the real-time viewport. It doesn’t necessarily have to be done by Bondware/Reallusion either, since Poser is Python 3 friendly and very extensible. All that would be needed, perhaps, would be to open up PostFX to be able to run a Python plugin that applies its own FX on real-time renders.
So imagine Poser’s Comic Book Preview or Sketch rendering, but done by an AI on a purpose-built ‘AI-native’ PC (coming in 2025 in retail, if not before). With No Drawing Required™ and Character Consistency.™ Let’s call it SuperFlying Dreamland.™ 😉
Renderosity Animation Contest 2023
A reminder of the Renderosity Animation Contest. The deadline is a bit close now, but a fast worker could do it: 30th August 2023. And don’t forget that Renderosity’s Poser software does real-time rendering of toons, via the easy-to-use Comic Book Preview feature.
Gift certificate prizes, no Poser 13 licences.
The featured artwork makes the mistake of ‘black on black’, a fundamental mistake which is beloved of 3D people trying to do a comic look (I blame Batman and Catwoman). Try to keep your character as ‘readable’ by the eye as much as possible. If you look at how a master like Brian Haberlin does it in his comics, he’ll often have a faint ‘fog layer’ across the whole background, as well as a ‘holding line’ around the character.
The left pigtail cannot be distinguished from the scenery.
Release: Poser 13.1, inc. Mac version
Poser 13.1 is now available, and includes the new Mac version alongside the Windows version. It’s a free update for Poser 13 licence holders. Lots of rendering quality improvements for SuperFly (Poser’s version of the latest Blender Cycles). See the linked page for the full list.
No mention of changes to the Windows OS spec, so you should be able to run it back to Windows 7 (though without access to store-purchased third-party scripts on Windows , and likely with no helpdesk support).
No changes to PostFX on Windows, to OIDN de-noising, or to Poser’s unique abilities with real-time comic-book line-art, Firefly line-art, and Sketch rendering.
The current released version is 13.1.449.
The sci-fi friendly Hr-213 hair has mysteriously become unavailable on Renderosity, and has been removed from WishLists with no warning. I hope it’s not been removed due to some movie producer saying it’s too close to a sci-fi movie or TV series haircut (UFO, etc).
However, I still see it for sale at Mankahoo.
We’ve also mysteriously lost the excellent ‘dForce Space Jumpsuit’ for G8F, which has likewise vanished from my WishList.
1971s retiring products sale
The great 1971s has a “Retiring Products” sale on Renderosity. Personally I’d perhaps sell the items as a $10 bundle on another store, or even give the best of them away free as a ‘free trial’ for his content. Rather than delete forever. But there you go.
Some beautiful Poser stuff at 70% off, and his models toon very well in Poser 11+’s real-time Comic Book line-art. As you can see here from the sci-fi Angelfish, one of the models set to be deleted…
You may especially want the Crane (set for retirement), a useful accessory for 1971’s many airships and potentially also for boats.
The Jetbee (set for retirement) is also a nice Dieselpunk craft…
And the SteamBoat (set for retirement) is a useful generic small steam-powered two-man harbour launch.
New Poser and DAZ content for July 2023
Time for another monthly round-up the “what’s new” content for Poser and DAZ users. Here’s my pick of the goodies released in July 2023.
Colony Greenhouse by Coflek-Gnorg. For Poser and DAZ.
A free Sci-Fi Gun.
Nifty for Tikki the Tiger. For a somewhat sci-fi cyber tiger kitten. They’re the height of fashion on Altair III, dontcah’know… (Requires Tikki the Tiger for Moshi the Kitten).
Victorian Flying Saucer for Poser and DAZ. Nice work, simple but effective. Also has interiors and poses.
A generic Jacket 002 from MightyMite, for G8M. Suitable for airship crew and the like. Or possibly even the crew of a Victorian Flying Saucer.
Steampunk Tools and Machinery, not new but currently free at DAZ. Vital tools for the Victorian Flying Saucer, I’d suggest.
A retro-future Giant Hovercraft. Might be able to be retro-fitted to be steampunk?
LI Corpus Crystallum for Genesis 9.
Nature’s Throne for DAZ Studio. With Autumn / Fall material.
Felicia Ginela for G8F, an elf with what looks to be an excellent skin texture.
A free Mushroom Hat for G9.
Free Fantasy Lute Poses for G8F. And the Medieval Lute.
Barbarian Bundle for DAZ Studio. Or “gym guy”…
See also the new Barbarian-friendly Fantasy Interior set for Poser from 1971s.
Beholder Materials for iDemon for iRay. This is a Dungeons and Dragons toon monster, and renders would class as fan-art.
Photo Props: Singing Bowls, which could be of use for ‘Mystic Meg’ style Halloween pictures. See the new dforce XI Old Hag Outfit for Genesis 9.
A simple free Ouija board with Latin and Russian letters.
Figures, poses and clothes:
A usefully generic Corner desk workstation with computer.
M3 Extreme, morphs for M3 low-res. Especially suitable for when you want an army of similar low-poly figures in the middle-distance of your scene. Free.
A free Flatten Ears Morph For Genesis 9. “Ears, begone!” Sort of. It flattens them against the head. Possibly useful if they’re sticking out of a helmet.
A free Athletics High Jump Prop, DAZ Studio and .OBJ file.
Skillful Routine Gymnastic Poses for Genesis 3, 8 and 9.
Expressions and Face AniBlocks for Genesis 9.
dForce Dungies for G8Fs. Loose oversized dungarees. Also comfy clog shoes.
Simple tall Beach Cabins for Poser and DAZ.
LI FlowerPot Hair for Genesis 9
A free “Lilibet, The Hood” for G8F.
Toon and semi-toon:
The free Pinocchio – Before he lies for M3 Low-res.
A semi-toon Garden Spot set.
Easy Mane & Tail for DAZ Horse 3. Reduce your setup time.
DAZ Ultimate Shape pack for Horse 3, giving sliders for shapes and ages. And DAZ Horse 3 Pro Material Set.
Realistic Animated Rock Pigeon. With PBR textures. Sadly the price is “for the birds” at $125.
Murderpeep the chicken. A big bad bird. Likely to fight the pigeon.
Currently free at DAZ, an Einiosaurus dinosaur.
New Bearrific Poses for AM Brown Bear.
A free Modern bottle for DAZ. Could be used for ‘mini beast’ collecting and observing?
Roller Coaster for DAZ Studio. Could be paired with lush jungle foliage. Possible risk of monkey attack…
3D Scenery: Wild Stream and 3D Scenery: Magic Pond by ShaaraMuse3D. High-res textures.
A free Spring flowerwreath for V4 / A4.
A free Tulip in vase, scaled to G8.
A free Ancient Roman Chariot, looking quite authentic to me. Could probably double-up as a barbarian tribes chariot as well.
Ancient Roman Kitbash I – walls of antiquity.
Ancient XI Roman Forum. Also new Roman accessories and outfits, on the DAZ Store.
BW Medieval Transport Wagons Set 01 and Set 02. Various wagons. though no horse presets.
A free Horse drawn carriage 2, a pioneer-type wagon.
Summer Italy Street, a finely-made hill-village street.
Victorian showmen outfits, in Show Must Go On for Phantom of the Opera – Sharply Dressed.
Smoking pipe with smoke, for G8 / G9. Might be adapated to be more of a fantasy pipe?
Antique Desk With Typewriter and PBR textures.
Radio Flyer texture makover for The Christmas Wagon.
The old man’s Repair Shop.
A 1990s looking Professional Video Camera, shoulder mounted.
Utilities and similar:
A free Digit Display “Easy set” for DAZ. Use it for a countdown timer display on a bomb, and suchlike. See also the new Spy Props set.
Signal Scope for Poser P12/P13. A set of nodes to help create an animated electronics test-bench oscilloscope screen in Poser.
Map Range for Poser SuperFly P12/P13. A building-block freebie that can be used to develop more complex Poser materials. Works in a similar way to the “Map Range” in Blender.
Texture Atlas Enabler for Genesis 9.
ApolloMaximus clothing clone for Genesis 9.
How to convert Firefly materials to Superfly in Poser. A free one-hour tutorial. Vital viewing for many Poser 12 and 13 newbies, I’d suggest.
How to convert DAZ fibremesh eyebrows to Poser. Requires Blender or 3D Studio Max.
Vue 6 Rendercow on Linux with Wine.
Conquering Complex Scenes. Handling HDR images in DAZ Studio, with the help of the V3D HDR Creator.
DAZ Studio Mastery: Comprehensive Tutorial Set with Drew Spence.
Complete Guide to Animating Dynamic Characters in DAZ Studio.
The book Secrets of Poser Experts.
Poser 11 upgrade to Poser 13 for under $100.
How to auto-colour your line-art using the free (for now) SeaArt. Even if it’s not in greyscale (such as the line-art it’s possible to get from Poser 11+’s real-time Comic-Book renders).
That’s it for July 2023. More next month.
Poser 11 to Poser 13 for under $100
You can now go from Poser 11 to Poser 13 for $95.70…
Upgrades to Poser 13 are available for $95.70 until 11:59pm Monday, 31st July with coupon code POSERUPG13 at the checkout.” Valid Poser 11 serial numbers are now also being accepted for the upgrade… “… will accept Poser 11 or Poser 12 serial numbers for upgrade validation”. This wasn’t the case before.
Apparently the Poser 13 serial will be valid for the Mac Poser 13 Early Access, due for release very soon.
Poser 12 for $49
Poser 12 for $49, apparently. Via Graphixly. The “Windows 10” claim is questionable. It runs fine on Windows 7, though I guess it’s possible you won’t get support-desk help if you’re on older Windows versions. And some store-bought P12 third-party scripts won’t work on Windows 7 (which lacks the required Microsoft encryption modules).
Over at NeoWin, Poser Pro 11.3 is now $79. It was a huge $150 on Renderosity, last week. Ideally a non-photoreal user would want to have both 11 and 12 (they can co-exist happily), and the current discounter prices seem the best way to do that at present.
Renderosity’s SFX packs and Comic Life 3
Useful information from the Renderosity forum, for superhero comics makers. There are three SFX 2D graphics packs on Renderosity, for the old defunct Comic Book Creator 1.0 and 2.0 software…
In total, 110 SFX. Turns out, as tested by a user, that these work fine with the current incarnation of Comic Book Creator, which is the ‘currently-developed and sold’ $30 Comic Life 3.x software that we all known and love today. There is also a template pack on Renderosity, which apparently doesn’t work with Comic Life 3.x.