The new issue of the DAZ Studio and Poser-friendly 3D Art Direct magazine is out now, for free. Great to see that the editors have given the cover typography and layout a more professional look…
Monthly Archives: October 2012
New plugin release: Talk Designer Assistant 2 for Poser
Just released, the Poser plugin “Talk Designer Assistant 2” for Poser 9 / Poser Pro 2012, from Andre O’Brien at Anakele Vision and Design…
“make virtually any figure compatible with Poser’s Talk Designer” [Version 2] “now includes automated speech animation processing, for rock solid results without the need to download any further assistance scripts.” [and it] “allows characters with large amounts of facial morph dependencies (such as Michael 5, Tyler GND, and Miki 4) to work directly with Poser’s Talk Designer”
Update: said to work with Poser 11.
Accessories and extras for Lenore and the Raven
A little survey of toon items, that seem to fit with the new Lenore and the Raven characters for Poser. Some would need retexturing, to match Lenore’s distinctive goth colour-scheme:
* Black fur matte for 3DU’s Pocket Pets Toon Kitty.
* Zombie Alchemical Ingredient Sacks.
* A Gothic Bird Bath for the Raven.
* Morphing Gothic Window/Arch (with similar-looking skull to the skull which comes with Lenore).
* Toon Daisy for Poser (could be a cheerful comedic counterweight to Lenore’s gloom).
* DAZ Studio 3 ghost shader presets (turn Lenore into a ghost. Requires DS or higher).
* Possible House Exterior.
Vue 11 announced, dated
Vue 11 announced, for release in November 2012. Lots of improvements to various EcoSystems components, and the promise of…
“Faster Rendering Speed: Significant internal optimizations made to Vue 11’s rendering engine will result in dramatically accelerated rendering, especially on very dense EcoSystem scenes.”
Lenore launches
Loving the look of the new Lenore and The Raven for Poser, which currently have their launch-discounts applied. Perfect for a webcomic.
Suitably retextured in black/white, I’d say that the Waffling Shruggle would be a nicely matching “third character” for a Lenore-based comic strip. Godfrey Lil’ Death could also work.
Apparently, DAZ users should adjust Lenore’s skirt material to 99% gloss to get a better look in DAZ.
Cthulhu lowered
The DAZ Store’s excellent Cthulhu Rising is currently on a 40% discount, which brings it down to $20.97. That’s lower than the initial launch discount, if I remember rightly.
3D content survey: ‘bad hair day’ for Poser and DAZ Studio
Tired of ‘Barbie and Ken hair’ for your characters? Need a ‘bad hair day’? Here’s my survey of some of the wilder and weirder hair types available for Poser and DAZ Studio. I’ve left out the anime-style mega-bunches, the flower-strewn faery braids, and the neon punk-rock mohawks.
April YSH’s Calais Hair and Morphing Ruff…
One at Renderosity and Fire Goddess’s ShoXoloR MAT sets…
Nightflower Hair seems good for a 1950s high-camp Vampirella-style character…
Also look at the free Upside Down Hair and the free wild cat-woman hair.
Need a snake-haired Medusa, the “turn you to stone” woman from ancient myth? There’s Naga Hair, although it looks a little old now.
Looking much better and with fully posable snakes is the more recent The Gorgon Medusa for V4…
Weird fantasy hair for men seems much less common than for women. There are a few ‘bandana and pseudo-dreadlocks’ hippies, but the male hair I liked the most was Volg for M4 (although it’s rather Wolverine-like, as most sci-fi/comics people will spot instantly)…
Surreal Esidor Hair for Esidor Hair would go well with Venetian or feather masks…
Need something sparse and troll-like? MOST’s free Troll for V3 comes complete with hair…
That’s it! Hope you found your hair to dye for!
Voting now: Renderosity Halloween 2012 Contest
Cast your vote now now, for one of the 148 3D entries for the Renderosity Halloween 2012 Contest…
Tutorial: Hexagon to Poser
New ten-minute video tutorial by Gary Miller. He makes a simple streetlamp in DAZ’s Hexagon 3.0 modelling software, then shows how to export it to Poser. Finally he uses Poser to texture and light the streetlamp…
Tutorial: elevate your cuteness
Vladimir Chopine (GeekAtPlay) has a new free 25-minute video tutorial, on using Poser with Vue and Photoshop/Filterforge to create a painterly final picture…
DeviantArt’s new Dreamup commissioning service
Can you make money with your digital art? The well-known fantasy and sci-fi art website DeviantArt thinks you can, via its new (beta) commercial commissioning service, It’s nice to see them set a price threshold, of a decent $200 (about £130) for a finished picture — so there should be no eLance-style “race to the bottom” in pricing, no ‘ten illustrations for $10’ done by slave-style workshops in India or China. Dreamup keeps the cash in secure escrow until project stages are hit. Per-stage payments are available. One of the benefits should be that the artist’s payment arrives very promptly after the work is done, rather than the artist having to wait for months for a seemingly semi-mythical payment that’ll be… “in the mail soon now, dude, really…”
Reel Science animation contest
Yet another cool space contest. This one is NASA’s Reel Science. It’s for animations made by 13-18 year olds. Simply use your 3D software of choice to make a 2 minute video, aimed at middle-school kids. It has to be on one of three given topics, such as “Ozone in the Stratosphere”. Deadline is 15th February 2013.
Above: NASA’s Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite.
New Poser tutorial videos for figure-creation
Darkseal has just launched an interesting-looking new multi-hour/6Gb set of video tutorials, “Poser Figure Creation with Darkseal”…
“In this series of videos we will take an in depth look at what it takes to create a figure for Poser.”
Here’s the preview video…
Digital Art Masters 8
Entries are now invited for 3DTotal magazine’s prestigious and weighty Digital Art Masters book (volume 8). Send in your works via this web page. Accepted works must be available at 300dpi. Deadline: 26th November 2012.
$4 feast at Poser World
A very generous special offer from Poser 3D content specialist Poser World. To get full access to their huge library of 2,300+ items, simply…
1. register at the website.
2. then donate just $4 by PayPal (or more, if you’re feeling rich).
3. open the email with a password for one month’s full access to the content library.
If you want a second month of access, just donate another $4+ when your initial access expires. A very nice offer! Here are just a few of the goodies I downloaded…
Above: Poser World’s standalone “Evil Keeper” Poser character.
Above: Wizard Master for M3.
Above: Victorian-era hearse.
Above: Authentic Anglo-Saxon Warrior outfit for M3.