In Poser 11, you may have long relied on your trusty old CPU-rendering Firefly custom render-presets. But they may not have kept up with what your PC can do.
For instance I have a 12-core PC, and so in Edit / Preferences I tell Poser 11 I have 24 threads available for its use (12 cores = 24 threads) when CPU rendering with Firefly.
To speed Firefly up enormously in such a case, I switch the Bucket Size on an old Firefly render preset up to 512. Most likely you have some old presets hanging around too and they are a decade or more old and are perhaps running at a Bucket Size of 32. Or you followed some advice that was that old. 32 was a good safe setting for the days when most people had only 1 or 2 threads available for rendering. Think of it as the size of each bucket of paint that Poser ‘throws’ onto the render canvas, in order to render your picture. Small processing power = small buckets each time.
If your PC can’t handle a big fast Bucket size of 512, I’m guessing you could perhaps try 256 for a 6-core / 12-thread PC with enough RAM. 256 also works well for a modern post-2010 graphics-card render. But beware of setting 512 for a graphics card, as it may well crash your driver on older cards.
“But I use SuperFly now”, you may say. Ah, but can SuperFly do the old-school Firefly lines, or the Firefly ambient occlusion? Here are two presets made very fast on a 12-core PC. Obviously you’re going to choose CPU not GPU on your render settings panel, for these.
Ambient Occlusion (turn AO on for scene lights, first):
“Fast” as in… two or three seconds at 1800 pixels. For lines or AO. Obviously if it’s a character with hair and complex bits and inefficient lighting, then it’s going to be a lot slower. But still quicker than otherwise.
The probably applies to other software such as MojoWorld. Make the ancient default bucket-size bigger.
Update: Poser 12 is a bit different, with the move to Cycles 2. CPU users of “adaptive sampling” rendering with SuperFly will apparently paradoxically see better results from quite small bucket sizes.