A new free David Tennant for G8M, slightly stylised but in a nice semi-toon way and with The Hair reasonably well done. Released a week ago, but the maker has just today fixed something possibly a bit vital and the .zip file… “now has the character .duf file.”
In this regeneration the Doctor does however have a large amount of dependencies. The underlying base is a… “morph with a Character Preset that uses a Skin Material found in Edward 8”. Then there’s The Hair. So the full list of dependencies are…
Edward 8 for G8M, and you may also want the Edward 8 HD Add-On though the latter is not required.
Super Natural Brows Merchant Resource for Genesis 8 and 3 Male, “with the Shape Preset of Super Natural Brows | Style 33”.
CC Beard Boss for Genesis 8 Male, “with the Brown Material and ‘Shaping -> Sides’ preset of CC Beard Boss ‘Short Burns’ with Materials 02 Brunettes -> CC Beard Boss – 02 Brunettes – 02”.
Tousled Hair for Genesis 3 and 8, “with the Brown Materials set.”
Phew. Quite a haul, but worth it for the Hair of Awesomeness, and the Sideburns of Sublimity. Or the best you can get for those in DAZ, without actually having David Tennant land inside the software with the TARDIS. Now there’s a plot idea, for one of the continuing Tennant audiobooks (10th Doctor Adventures from Big Finish)…
You’ll be wanting suitable Daleks and other Doctor Who items too, for which see my Doctor Who: DAZ and Poser content survey.
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