After a break from 3D for a couple of weeks, I’ve been looking through all the new DAZ Studio and Poser content that’s been released recently.
Oskarsson’s Neon character is another movie-quality character, a more organic looking variant of one of his earlier characters…
Stonemason keeps delighting 3D sci-fi artists, and he has a new robot out called Prototype. This character has a nice “Iron Man meets the school science project” feel to it.
The Prototype could look rather good in Dreamlight’s new The Pit sci-fi environment…
This large-scale environment probably works best with Dreamlight’s Light Dome PRO-R lights/render/composite system, so you can get the distance fogging (this requires Photoshop and the ability to use it).
Rather more twee, but also of amazing design quality, is The Unicorn from LittleFox. There are also poses and there’s already a small avalanche of texture addons for this one! Just search RuntimeDNA for “unicorn”.
Also rather unusual is Moscowich’s Shamaness (for Poser) which is a semi-toon standalone character. She might work well with some of Nursoda’s standalone characters.
Let’s not forget steampunk. The Steamway (for Poser) is a nice bit of quality steampunk transportation, with a number of different configurations.
Steam-heads should also take a look at the new Technomancer Mask, for which there’s also a Victoria 4 edition…
On a more mundane level Loft for Lease looks like a very useful multipurpose environment. Suitable for everything from a H.P. Lovecraft “Shadow Over Innsmouth” comic, through to just about any city crime stakeout scene.
Loft for Lease can also be given a makeover to make it into a very nice looking Dance Studio or Gym Hall…
And last, but not least, Millenium Cat aniblocks animations. Go, kittee!