Currently on a 50% sale at DAZ, two of the illustration-making tools that are worth having. There’s no guarantee that utilities like this will go to 70%+ on Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Keep in mind that some of the folders for Lineart9000 need to be installed under your C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\.. and you can’t just idly plonk it all into your main content runtime and expect it to work.
The next issue of VisNews (September 2021) will have a four-page survey/test of such DAZ tools, and these two are picked out as two of the most useful / easiest to use. That said, the Lineart9000 3Delight line render is a bit CAD-like, and conversely the somewhat blobbly base linework from Sketchy is not likely to please a regular comics reader or an editor at a children’s book publishing house. Sketchy actually shows up in DAZ as Shader Presets | DimensionTheory | iRayToon Shader, if you need to check if you already have it or not.
With both you could perhaps make some interesting Photoshop composites from the same scene, layering and blending multiple renders from each utility.