A useful Poser colour-code chart for Python coders, at LaTeX Color Definitions. You can see how the colour chart allows you to translate a colour to the three RGB values in a format needed for a PoserPython script. For instance, the chart’s Amethyst purple…
{amethyst}{rgb}{0.6, 0.4, 0.8}
This becomes in PoserPython, with spaces removed…
nodeInput = root.InputByInternalName(‘AlternateDiffuse’)
A mid grey, useful in toning down neon-like Preview colours arising due to a Scatter node plugged into the Alternate_Diffuse, would then be…
nodeInput = root.InputByInternalName(‘AlternateDiffuse’)
Note that some nodes need a _ and some don’t. I’ve no idea exactly why, but perhaps it’s the ‘internal/external name thing’ that Poser has. Thus you’ll see Alternate_Diffuse in the Material room, but it has to be AlternateDiffuse in the script. If one such name doesn’t work in a script, just add or remove the _ and try again.
Possibly there is some colour-wheel freeware somewhere that offers something similar to the chart, but the chart is a nice friendly solution. If saved out as a PDF it can be indexed by your PC’s local keyword search.