Wow, the official Decimator for DAZ Studio plugin is now priced at $100 on the store!
I’m glad I got it free from DAZ some years ago, which I think was when they were moving from DAZ 3 to DAZ 4.
After boggling my eyes at the current price, I looked at the re-download of my freebie. Had it updated? Yes, it’s now “DS4 Decimator” for 64-bit DAZ Studio. So if you were still running an old install of DAZ Studio alongside the latest version — just for the Decimator you’d plugged into it — then freebie owners might usefully switch to a later DAZ version to run the Decimator.
What does it do? It’s DAZ’s only native polygon-reduction tool, which usefully offers per-item reduction of polygons. e.g. in the hair, the eyelashes, the dress, the body etc. This is done very easily and quickly, by sliders. Decimator is also useful when used simply as a tool to check what item, usually hair, might be causing your scene’s memory-consumption to become critical.