Added to my guidance article on how to go about your Poser 11.2 install…
* As I understand it, Poser in now 64-bit only, from version 11.2 onward.
* Files saved from Poser 11.2 load correctly in Vue R5. [No PoserFusion plugin is needed for the old Vue, but I’ve no idea about Poser and the new ‘subscription Vue’].
* [Another backup location, before installing…] It’s possible you also saved SuperFly custom or tweaked render presets to C:\Program Files\Smith Micro\Poser 11\Runtime\prefs\RenderPresets\SuperFly so check the dates there and .ZIP if needed.
* Kabuking’s Poser Python tools scripts are working fine in 11.2.
* The Dial Manager 2015 script/plugin is working fine in 11.2.
* The DSON plugin (for auto-import of Genesis figures and .duf props from DAZ Studio) seems to work fine. I’m told it may have slight problems when installing it, which means that you may just need to manually set your path to the relevant Poser directory.
* .PSD export with layers is fine.