How to turn .WEBP images to .JPG, easily and for free.
What is it?: the .WEBP format is an image file that still experimental and without defined standards, but is occasionally found being used commercially in early 2019.
Where does the problem lie?: Most modern Web browsers are fine at displaying them, but once they’re downloaded locally to Windows they become a pest. Windows 8 can’t preview them as visual thumbnails in the file explorer. (I’m guessing that Windows 10 may also have problems with them, as they appear to be a ‘Google thing’?)
What’s the fix?: I was unable to find anything that ‘fixed’ Windows 8.1.1x to show previews of downloaded .WEBP files, in either Windows Explorer or Explorer++. However, for now, the best workaround seems to be simple quick conversion…
1. Get the free IrfanView and its plugin installer pack. The plugins enable .WEBP support.
2. When Windows can’t preview a downloaded .WEBP file, right-click and open it with IrfanView and save it as a .JPG at 100%, to the same folder and with the same filename.
3. Delete the .WEBP files.
IrfanView has batch convert capabilities, if you’re saddled with a whole folder full of these pests.